Who lives within the visitorsheds of California state parks?
57% of Californians, 22 million people.
54% of the state's youth population, 5 million young people under 18.
California state parks are a tremendous, potentially underutilized resource to promote youth health. We created this interactive map so that people who conduct programs in state parks or run marketing and outreach for park programs can better understand their potential users. With this interactive map, you can explore the demographic and health statistics of residents living within the walking, biking, and driving catchment areas—or "visitorsheds"—of each of California’s 282 state park units. To explore this map, enter a state park name or choose a geographic area, and then select which visitorshed you would like to examine. You can also click directly on a park in the map. You can then select the demographic or health attributes you want to visualize. And click "Print Map" at the lower left of the map to generate a printable view of the map. To download our full report on the health benefits of parks, effective park programming for youth, and state park visitorsheds, and to view a short video guide to using this interactive map and learn more about the data behind the map, visit ioes.ucla.edu/project/youthoutdoors.